Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Autumn is here - time to be cosy in amazingly soft cashmere scarves again

Handmade 180x45 cm cashmere scarf from www.mypashmina.co.uk

Autumn is here for sure now. Gone are those lovely summer days. But not to worry - autumn is colourful and cosy! Its now its time to meet up with your friends over a warm cup of tea, and take beautiful walks in parks with leaves coloured in beautiful orangey shades.

Our favourite scarf for the autumn is this one - a completely hand made cashmere scarf - each one is unique - made in different colours. Its so warm and soft. It doesnt feel heavy or itch. Cashmere is a very thin fibre - only about 20 microns - so it shouldnt. Cashmere also lasts for year. So to buy a cashmere scarf from www.mypashmina.co.uk is an investment for the next decade or so.

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