Thursday, 12 June 2008

Mypashmina on Facebook

Although it may seem like the height of summer at the moment and Cashmere is the furthest from your mind you never know what the weather has in store (well, I do being up here in the frozen north!).

Last week it was a scorching 34 degrees over here in sunny Sweden...this week, well, lets just say that there has been a slight change in temperature...this is where my trusty pashmina stole really does come in handy - it is small enough to pop in my bag but still gives enough cover up against the chill (perfect as a scarf in winter too...).

Another great leap was made by Mypashmina this week - we can now be found on Facebook, so all Cashmere lovers can look out for news,updates, sales & discounts via their Facebook accounts as well! Become a Mypashmina Facebook fan and get all the inside news first!

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